Fifty by Fifty

The road to visiting all 50 us states by age 50

welcome to the great united states…

Fifty by Fifty | SaltWaterVibes

Growing up I feel truly blessed getting to travel as much as I did. My family loved going on trips together, I got to travel a bunch for swimming, and tagged along every now and then when my Dad had out of state meetings. When I was young I may not have taken each destination into appreciation like I should have or really had the opportunity to explore, so I officially added it to my bucket list to see all fifty states by the time I am fifty!

I have officially been to 38 US states so far, but some were just quick stops or airport stays. When I met Rashawn and we decided to start traveling, we made it a goal to restart and see all 50 together! We want to visit each state and experience what it has to offer. No more quick stops or layovers! At age 20 we started with a clean state living in Hawaii. Now have about 30 years to see 49 more states!

Fifty by Fifty | SaltWaterVibes

My Grandma is the first person I know to go to all fifty and my dad isn't far behind at forty-eight! If you are a US a citizen then you should absolutely join me on the #RoadTo50. Each state is home to so much beauty and unique adventures, it would be a shame not to experience it all! We only have one life to live, lets make it the BEST we can.

Free US Checklist | SaltWaterVibes

FREE United States Checklist

pin this freebie on your vision board and color in and check off every state you visit! watch you map fill up!

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