Knowing: Above the Ocean Surface
let's talk about climate change pt.1
Welcome to part one of our third three part series on environmental issues in our oceans. Catch up on our first series here and second series here. Our oceans need our help if we want to keep exploring, enjoying and existing!
Our first two series on Saving Blue educated you on whats really happening below our ocean surface - with thousands of tons of plastic clogging our sea to our coral bleaching and dying off - the sea needs our help. But under the surface is only half the battle here. To understand our ocean's issues and how we can help it we need to face the reality of Climate Change and how that effects big blue.
what is climate change?
To understand Climate Change we have to understand Climate. Weather is the day to day changes from feeling hot to cold, and rain or snow. The Climate is the usual weather that a particular zone experiences, like being hot in the summer and cold in the winter. There are different climates all around the world and our Earth also has one big climate made up from all other climates.
When looking at the Change of Climate Change it is important to understand that this means the usual weather in a place is now unusual. It maybe that a place normally receives 10 inches of rain per year, but is now getting 20 inches per year. Overall we can look at Earths Climate and see changes in temperature, where snow happens, and ocean levels.
Climate change has been studied and recorded for over 100 years. Over this time period NASA and other agencies have been able to see the exact changes in our climate. Weather you want to believe in it or not, there is real scientific proof that it is happening. Our overall temperature here on Earth has increased one whole degree in the last year, which may not sound so significant, but think if your average temeperature was now 99 degrees....
Image Source James Balog and the Extreme Ice Survey
These rising temperatures not only effect the daily weather, but are also causing extreme issues. Snow caps are melting, causing sea levels to rise, which causes our plants to grow differently or not at all. Everything revolves around our climate.
““We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation””
the facts
If you are curious on the nitty gritty facts and number of climate change this is a great article. However, there are still a few things you should know! Climate change happens because of things out of our control, like how far away from the sun we are, or how strong the sun rays are. But, a lot of climate changes happen becuase of us humans. We drive cars, heat our homes, and cook food. These everyday tasks take energy from oil and gas. When this energy is burned up it causes gases to be released in the air. The gases can cause our air to heat up and change the climate in that area.
If our Climate keeps changing and heating up, weather may become out of control. Cold places will be even colder, hurricanes will be stronger, ice caps will melt completely and rainfall can become worse. While all of this is happening our Oceans are reaping some of the worst offenses. The temperature is rising, there is more acid, water level is on a rise, and the coral is stressed and bleached. In simple words - were killing our ocean.
Climate change is a very real thing, that is effecting very real issues. By knowing the facts and understanding the issue, we can help create a change in our everyday lives to protect our planet and oceans.
Join Saving Blue next Wednesday for Part 2, Caring: Above the Ocean Surface, to discover why we truly must care about climate change and its effects.