Caring: Above the Ocean Surface
let's talk about climate change pt.2
Welcome back to part two of our third three part series on environmental issues in our oceans. You can catch up on part one here. Our oceans need our help if we want to keep exploring, enjoying and existing!
Last week you learned some cold hard facts about climate change and how its effecting our oceans. If you missed it you can catch up here real quick. Now that you know what the issue is, you maybe wondering how does this really effect me or why should I care?
The harsh reality is climate change effects more than just our ocean, it effects each and every one of us. Lets break it down by:
human heath - our weather - and of course the ocean.
In short, the issues of climate change will effect the food we eat, the air we breath, the weather we experience, and the water we drink. All of these things are vital to our existence and well being. Of course the impact of these factors is based on where you live and your ability to adapt to the new situations.
For instance, the days are going to get warmer causing longer heat waves and higher daily temperatures. This may cause a surplus of heat related deaths. On the contrary, the cold days will be getting colder, and wet days wetter as the effects of climate change continue to take place. This will also effect the air quality making it harder to breath and cause on onset of asthma attacks.
When things like hurricanes, tropical storms, and tsunamis become more frequent and deadly, it will not only effect those in the path of destruction. These storms cause water to be tainted and food + crop supply to almost diminish. After storms generators are often used to the max, but this is leaving unsafe amounts of carbon monoxide behind. If there are more storms, there will be more loss of resources.
our weather
Image Source | 2017 Hurricane Timeline
As mentioned above, more storms, more rain, more hurricanes, more tornados, and more unreal weather will start to become a new norm. Wet zones will become flooded causing extreme damage and add additional heath risks. Because of the rising sea level coastal areas are now endangered of flooding as well. Look at this past year, back to back to back we had Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, and Hurricane Jose ALL of which were level 4 or 5, which is the HIGHEST ratings on the scale.
The increase of heat waves can spark even more wildfires. Look at the current situation in California. This year they have had the most destructive wildfire season on record, a total of 8,777 fires recorded burning more than 1 MILLION acres.
Image Source | 2017 Hurricane Timeline
the ocean
The ocean is taking some of the hardest hits from climate change. From warming waters, over-fishing, sea level rise, uncharted hurricanes and storms + the issue of plastic pollution our oceans are on a downward spiral.
Our oceans tides and currents will change due to the warming water which may be a leading cause in hurricanes. As mentioned above, this will cause destruction to more than just homes + business, it will continue to effect human health, food and water, weather patterns and more. The ocean covers 70% of our planet and is one of the most vital ecosystems. If it continues on this path of destruction, life as we know it will never be the same.
Join Saving Blue next Wednesday for Part 3, Change: Above the Ocean Surface, to discover what we must do to help protect our environments.