Our Zoom Wedding
A covid wedding
Welcome to our 2020 Zoom Wedding! We couldn’t let anything stop us from saying I do… not even a pandemic! We celebrated with our parents, my aunt + uncle, and our closest family and bridal party/groomsmen on Zoom. Come check out this unforgettable day of love!
Our Wedding Story
Our relationship has always been full of surprises. From Rashawn planning amazing dates and adventures, to moving across oceans, and so many small moments in between, so it was only fitting for this magical day to be a surprise. Ok lets start from the beginning….
Rashawn and I had a big wedding planned for 7.11.20 - we sent out over 150 invitations and had plans of people coming in from over 20+ states! We wanted it to be the most magical day ever. Fast forward to March 2020 and COVID decided to erupt everyone’s year and plans, including ours. We decided we would post pone the wedding or celebration until 2021. However, with our baby girl on the way we still wanted to be a family and welcome her into the world as husband and wife. My parents live here in Colorado so we decided we would just sign the marriage license with them and celebrate with a nice dinner (or so Rashawn thought!)
Rashawn is always the one to plan amazing surprises for me, so I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to do that for him! For about a month before the ‘big day’ I spent time sneaking around making decorations, planning the day, and getting in contact with all our family + the bridal and grooms men to plan the perfect Zoom Wedding. On top of planning a Zoom Wedding, I decided his dad needed to be here with us! So we coordinated together to plan the ultimate surprise of getting him out here for the occasion.
The day before our ‘wedding’ Rashawn and I went to get our marriage license from the DMV. I made him drive separate and told him I had to go pick up something for tomorrow so I would meet him back at home. Little did he know I was really driving to the airport to pick up his dad! The look on his face when me and Mr. Wong pulled up to the house was PRICELESS. I told him I wanted his dad here to watch us ‘get married’ and he couldn’t believe it. Now he still had no clue that I planned an entire Zoom wedding for the next day. He still simply thought we were just signing the paper and going out to a dinner. I hinted and nudged at him that it would be fun to exchange some vows and hesitantly complied to have some ready.
The next day I left early to go to my parents house and set up! I told Rashawn I just wanted to get ready with my best friend so we could have a pretend first look with each other. I told him to be at my parents house at 4pm and NOT to be late!! As soon as he showed up I let the cat out of the bag - were having a Wedding! I brought him outside and he was blown away by the decorations and the fact I rallied up our family and friends for a virtual wedding.
Once people started getting on the Zoom call the excitement was kicking in. You could not wipe the smiles off our faces saying hi to everyone. It was so exciting to still get to share this moment with everyone we love. Back in 2019 we asked my Aunt Joni to marry us. She is one of my Aunts in New York and has always been there for us in our relationship. She met Rashawn early on on our first trip to New York in 2015. We couldn’t imagine anyone else marrying us but her, even virtually. Together we came up with a virtual wedding plan and she ‘hosted’ the wedding for us. It was so special to still have her do this for us even though we wish so badly it was at our real wedding, it was still perfect.
We got to share the story of us, exchange rings, sign the paper and share our vows. There were lots of tears shed from our family and friends, and I was dishing out the water works the whole time! It was all so meaningful. After our wedding ceremony we cut the cake and then I shared a video I made for Rashawn that had moments from our whole relationship together. It was so perfect and I was so happy to share that moment with everyone. After that we had special toasts! Our parents each said something and then we opened it up tp our guests. I think this was my favorite part of it all because at a real wedding you wouldn’t be able to let everyone say something. Our small group each got a turn and everything that was said was SO meaningful and made us cry on a few occasions. It was just so special to hear about our love from everyone else eyes.
I wish at the end we were all hugging and dancing the night away, but for the circumstances and being in the middle of the pandemic, it was perfect. I hope in 2021 we get to have some kind of celebration with all of our guests, or maybe in 5 years at a vow renewal. So much is up in the air with life and COVID so we defiantly learned that it is all about being able to adapt and make the absolute most of the situation you’re in. The most important thing was that I could still marry my very best friend on our wedding day. 7.11.20 will forever be ours!
Below are some snaps of the ‘big day’ that my wonderful dad took for us. Memories I will truly love and cherish forever!

Truly one of the most magical days of my life. It is something we will remember forever. Although we wish our original wedding could have happened, this truly was the next best thing. I am so happy to officially be Mrs. Rashawn Wong!
At 40 weeks on the day, I gave birth to our second beautiful little angel. Our sweet Marli girl was born all naturally on December 1st 2023 coming in at a sweet 7 bs and 14 oz. She was delivered at St. Joseph hospital, and was truly another magical experience.