Salt Pond Beach

stay salty my friends

Salt Pond Beach + SaltWaterVibes

Welcome to Salt Pond Beach! Nicknamed for its salt collecting ponds, this beach has a ton to offer! It sits on the south side of Kauai between Kaumakani and Hanapepe. It is right next to the Port Allen Airport so at the right time of day you may even catch a few takeoffs! 

Salt Pond Beach + SaltWaterVibes

It is a huge beach park with so much useable space! The one thing I truly loved about Kauai besides how stunning and relaxing it was, was the emptiness. Going to the beach and having it completely to ourselves or sharing with one or two others was common! Heaven is real right?! For us Oahu livers that's nearly unheard of! This water is supper clear and pretty flat! We saw swimmers and stand up paddlers! I of course put on my goggles to check it out and it was beautiful white sand, no fishy's but still sooo calming! 

Salt Pond Beach + SaltWaterVibes

The water here is also soooo blue! I told Rashawn that it might be because there is less people in water all the time (less sunscreen, less trash, less overall wear..) but thats just my theory :) haha! But regardless of the reason it is so amazing and I could not stop saying "OMG LOOK AT THIS WATER" at every. single. beach we were at haha, so for that Thank you Kauai <3 

Salt Pond Beach + SaltWaterVibes

Back to the useable space... we took FULL advantage of that here! It is a state legal camp site with grass areas, showers, and bathrooms! Of course you can choose which ever spot you want and we went to this little nook on the beach that we had allll to our selves. This was the first night and it was a great way to start the trip!!

One warning: sand = bugs in Hawaii. Make sure your tent is always closed to prevent any visitors throughout your night :) 

Salt Pond Beach + SaltWaterVibes

We set up on the sand in front of the Salt Ponds over looking the beach. It was so pretty! The ponds collect natural Hawaiian Sea Salt that can be sold! I joked the water tasted saltier their too but I think it was all mental haha!

If you are also interested in camping at Salt Pond Beach you will need to make sure you obtain your Camping Permit! Fill out the linked paperwork, send in the appropriate amount of money, and they will send you a permit! I am putting together a camping trip guide which will go into much much more detail on how to do all that so stay tuned! In the mean time of you want to know sooner you can always leave me a comment or shoot me an email! I am always happy to help! 

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how to get here


Salt Pond Beach is located on the left side of Port Allen Airport. You will see it off the main road and need to take a half paved half dirt road to the main parking lot. 


Always be sure to lock up your belongs and valuables if you are camping. This beach remains relatively calm but be sure to be aware of all currents and tides. Use your best judgments when swimming.