
Thanksgiving is one of those Holidays that is just good for the soul. You are surrounded by family and friends, eat delicious food, and get to think extra hard about all the things you are thankful for! I decided to make my list of some of the things I am thankful for, even though my list is endless, here's what fills my heart up! 


My Family. 

These people are my everything! The real day-ones. Together we are the Mayer-Rose-Noble-Domke-Wong clan and I would  never have it any other way! 


My person. 

Rashawn has been my rock sense moving to Hawaii. He is my best friend, my insirpation, and my heart. We are such an amazing team together and I could not be more thankful for him and our duo <3

My Best friend.

Henry is THE BEST dog on this planet. He knows when I'm sick, loves a good belly rub, and will chase every squirrel with his hardest effort! He is the nicest guy, and has always made sure I am never alone. I have been so blessed to grow up with you buddy. 

My Girls

My Girls.

These two have been my best friends forever sense BFF started! We have somehow managed to stay strong through 14+ years, each living on a different continent (Im just floating out here ok :)), and life's unimaginable turns. I will love these two till my last breath!



I am thankful to see the sun set every night, and see it rise in the morning. Everyday is a blessing in life and it's important to be thankful for this everyday, life is so precious! 

Living in Hawaii.

I was blessed with the opportunity to move to the 50th when I was 18 and it has been the most eye-opening experience. I am so thankful for this unique chance to call this island my home.


My Boys.

We are the most dysfunctional Ohana on this island, but I wouldn't change a thing. We met the first month of college and are still rocking strong! Thankful for you guys! 


My Extreme Wanderlust.

I have the extreme desire to travel the world and immerse my self in something new. I am so thankful for this desire rather than fear of the unknown! I think it is important to challenge myself, and go beyond the lines and I am very thankful for that mindset.



Forever thanful for this GEM! People don't understand what it's like to be from Colorado unless you are. Even though I am not native born, I have lived there for basically my entire life. I grew up there and couldn't have had a better childhood. I want to give my kids that same thing one day! Love you 303. 

Moments Like These.

I constantly find myself in awe, in those real 'Is this real life?!' moments. I am so thankful for these moments because I will cherish them forever. Hawaii has blessed me with so many raw chances to experience them too! 


My Education.

I am lucky enough that my parents have afforded me the opportunity to extend my education and earn a degree. On top of that they let me do it in Hawaii! They are truly the best :) Go Bows! 

LifeSavannah RoseComment